

Bindi is a 5 1/2 year old AKC Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She was a breeding female in a good AKC breeding program. Unfortunately her owner passed away recently and he’s been searching for her furever home. Bindi is special needs. She has a heart condition that...


On Sept 8, 2022 a Northwood client brought in a neighborhood stray cat in on emergency.  Her dog had attacked the cat, a DSH brown tabby, estimated to be about 1 year old.  The cat had obvious signs of respiratory distress.  The Good Samaritan relinquished her for...


On July 4, 2022 a badly injured kitten was brought to Northwood Animal Hospital on emergency.  His head had been slammed in a door accidentally by the person who found him.  He was a stray kitten she found in Altha FL (Calhoun Co).  When he arrived he was bleeding...


On March 29th, a feral momma cat (Hazelnut, Tortishell) was brought into Northwood Animal Hospital with her litter of 5 kittens, born March 12th. They were found at Martin Luther King Blvd and Virginia streets, at Bethel Old Folks Apartment complex.  The management...


On March 29th, a feral momma cat (Hazelnut, Tortishell) was brought into Northwood Animal Hospital with her litter of 5 kittens, born March 12th. They were found at Martin Luther King Blvd and Virginia streets, at Bethel Old Folks Apartment complex.  The management...


On July 2, 2022 a male black and white kitten (est DOB 4-11-22) was brought to Northwood.  He was a stray kitten, found on the steps of the Good Samaritan’s AirBNB.  She was unable to care for the kitten and relinquished him to the hospital.  We named him Thor.  He...